Mission Statement
Strengthening communities and educating our youth.
Teaching value one pawn at a time.
The Board Room – Chess, defining purpose and strengthening values, self esteem and integrity one pawn at a time. We are committed to creating safe spaces where Baltimore City youth can meet to learn, excel and interact with others playing the thinking sport of chess. All children regardless of race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender or religion has a right to access to learning opportunities that will enable them to succeed. We use the game of chess as a tool to promote and develop critical thinking skills and better decision making. Chess and life skills are combined to help youth plan, strategize and make better life choices. It's win, draw or learn. If you see a good move, look for a better one. Working together with community partners we equip and empower youth in underserved communities through co-curricular educational initiatives and programs that are youth focused. We envision youth with high self esteem, and good sportsmanship, capable of making positive decisions and showing respect and responsibility to all.

The game of chess has been said to be very similar to life. Each day we are faced with challenges, setbacks and choices. It is very important that when the time arrives, the best decisions are made. The game of chess requires patience and is won when players make good decisions. Life's successes also comes when we make good decisions. At the Board Room we place a great emphasis on making good decisions, teamwork, good sportsmanship, respect of authority and maintaining a level of self esteem.
“Every chess master was once a beginner.” – Irving Chernev

2021 Community Chalk the Walk Festival and Resource Fair

2019 Knight's Pawn Tournament, battle for 2nd and 3rd place.
Food for Thought
“When you see a good move, look for a better one.”-Emanuel Lasker
“Chess is the gymnasium of the mind.” – Blaise Pascal
The beauty of chess is it can be whatever you want it to be. It transcends language, age, race, religion, politics, gender, and socioeconomic background. Whatever your circumstances, anyone can enjoy a good fight to the death over the chess board.” – Simon Williams
©2019 by The Board Room - Chess. Proudly created with Wix.com
Beginner Pawns
The Board Room - Chess offers lessons at all levels. Beginners start at age 6. Beginners learn the names and movements of each piece. They also learn how to set and arrange the playing board. We have an amazing range of club activities. From free game play time to planned programming, we are committed to ensure a fun and safe experience for all. Each participant receives a t-shirt, and chess journal. Lunch will be served each session. Get in touch to learn more about all our offerings.
Teaching Value
The game of chess has been said to be very similar to life. Each day we are faced with challenges, setbacks and choices. It is very important that when the time arrives, the best decisions are made. The game of chess requires patience and is won when players make good decisions. Life's successes also comes when we make good decisions. At the Board Room we place a great emphasis on making good decisions, teamwork, good sportsmanship, respect of authority and maintaining a level of self esteem.
Intermediate Players
Our intermediate players have been playing for 2-5 years. They may not have a FIDE rating but they are well on their way to being rated. Our intermediate players are able to spot game situations sooner than beginners and are able to defend and attack with more thought. Mistakes commonly made by beginners are no longer made at this level.
Chess is also use to teach math, history and promote teamwork along with social emotional lessons. At the Board Room Chess you win, draw or learn. Students are taught to make decisions carefully and consider all outcomes, good or bad. The same can be applied to life situations.